打破 GPT 限制
我們希望打破 GPT 的固有局限性,並透過先進的解決方案控制其知識庫。
Identify your needs
Information Overload
Do your staff or site visitors struggle to find what they need on your website?
Diverse Questions
Do you deal with a diverse inquiries that require flexible responses?
Inefficient or Costly Solutions
Are you tired of using inefficient & costly solutions for your business chat?
Automatic Process
Our system processes your corporate information, including websites and PDFs, to provide data-driven responses.
Analysis and Comprehension
Our solution employs advanced analysis to understand your data, ensuring effective responses.
Multilingual Support
ChatGPT supports different languages, enabling users to ask in their preferred language.
Humanized Interaction
ChatGPT offers human-like interactions, reducing customer service costs and enhancing user satisfaction.
ChatGPT VS Chatbot
How does ChatGPT outperform a traditional Chatbot?
Common Procedure
Leave us a message for a free evaluation within 3-7 days
You will receive a price quote and a trial period to test for your best solutions
If the solution meets your needs, our technical team will guide you through integration
After integration, we will seamlessly launch the CorpInfoGPT service on your website
1.Google Gemini
Gemini 是 OpenAI 開發的先進人工智慧聊天機器人技術。 它利用最先進的語言模型(包括 GPT-3)來實現高度互動式和類人對話。 Gemini 結合了深度學習技術和大規模訓練資料來理解使用者查詢、提供準確的回應並參與動態和情境對話。
2.Facebook Llama
Facebook Llama 是 Facebook 開發的人工智慧聊天機器人。 它利用先進的 NLP 技術與用戶對話並提供個人化的建議和幫助。
3.OpenAI GPT
OpenAI GPT(Generative Pre-trained Transformer)是 OpenAI 開發的大型語言模型。 它使用基於變壓器的架構和預訓練技術來產生連貫且上下文相關的文字。